Data (.csv) collected for the Dynamics assignment. Daniel collected this data for characterizing the damping of the cardboard material. Each row of data cooresponds to 1 timestep. The columns are indicated at the top of each file.
Data (.txt) collected from the Design Optimization assignment. The data is in the form of a .txt file of the output of running the optimization code.
Below is an example of how to pull data from this .txt file using regular expressions in Python while working in Google Colab.
# Import the Python package for regular expressions
import re
# Pull the .txt file containing the output
!npx degit arnoldjames98/ -f
# Now the file is locally in colab, so can load it in via /content
input_filename = 'optimizationOuput.txt'
# Load the text file
with open('/content/optimizationOutput.txt', 'r') as file:
data ='\n', '')
# Pulling all the stiffness inputs to the optimization
allStiffness = re.findall(r'Stiffness: \[(\d+\.?\d*)\]', data)
stiffnessFloats = [float(numeric_string) for numeric_string in allStiffness]
# Pulling all the performance metrics results for each stiffness input
allPerformance = re.findall(r'Performance Metric to Minimize: (\d+\.?\d*)', data)
performanceFloats = [float(numeric_string) for numeric_string in allPerformance]
Data (.csv) collected for the Experimental Validation assignment. Each row of data cooresponds to 1 timestep. The columns are indicated at the top of each file.