Biodegradable Crab Leg Mechanism




Biodegradable Crab Leg Mechanism
Team 1: James Arnold, Katie Brauckmann, Cree Hutcherson, and Daniel Stockwell
(e-mails: {jmarnol6, kbrauckm, chutche1, dcstockw}

Research Question



Research Question - Generating and discussing our guiding research question
Biomechanics - Studying and understanding the biological system we chose to focus our design on
Kinematics - Creating the kinematic model to estimate the forces/torques, power requirements, and speed of our system
Dynamics - Adding in the impedance properties of our system (interia, damping, and stiffness) to understand how the real system will move and react to the envionrment
Design and Manufacturing Workflow - Developing the plan for how to create our prototype
Design Optimization - Using our dynamics model to determine how to create our prototype with the optimal performance
Experimental Validation - Running the experiments with our prototype and performing data analysis to understand the system’s performance in real-life


Presentation I - Our first presentation on the bio-inspiration and kinematics
Presentation II - Our second presentation on the dynamics and initial data collection
Presentation III - Our final presentation on the optimization, manufaturing, and experimental validation

Additonal Pages

Data - All raw data collected throughout the project
Video and Image Gallery - Raw images/videos of prototypes, designs, and experimental setups not included in other pages
CAD and Other Design Files - Final versions of designs (.dxf, .sldprt, etc.)
Additional Code - All code created not included in other pages


Bibliography - The sources we used throughout the project

All work is based on the assignments created by Dr. Daniel Aukes